Caring for pygmy goats

This section contains info on pygmy goat paddocks, accommodation, food, body care, habits and goat-friendly toys; along with info on how Henry and Joey are looked after during winter, and how goats can be protected from the noise of neighbours' fireworks.

Please note that the information below relates to how Henry and Joey are looked after, and different circumstances may require different goats to be cared for in varying ways. If in doubt about the health of your goat and/or any urgent issues, contact your local vet and/or your local government agricultural department (DEFRA in the UK).

Winter 2012-2013: Cold weather advice
  • Pygmy goats are generally hardy animals and can adapt to hot and cold climates, and their winter vests keep them warm in the colder months. However, you can do your bit during the cold weather to ensure your goats remain comfortable.
  • Any bowls of water that your goats have access to will freeze over in cold weather (even bowls in the goats' living quarters can freeze over), so it is essential that you regularly break the ice and refill the bowls with fresh water. You can also give some tepid warm water.
  • Lightly-warmed food (such as vegetables) will also help to keep goats warm.
  • Ensure that any doors on your goats' living quarters are shut (but ensure that there is still some ventilation). It may be beneficial to add extra pieces of wood to act as draught excluders.
  • Piling up hay or straw near the door can also keep the inside warm. Placing bricks or gravel on the ground can help prevent pygmy goats from slipping around on the ice. Ice and snow should be cleared from a goats' paddock whenever possible.
  • Be extra vigilent and make regular checks on your goats, to ensure they are not getting too cold.
  • However, it is possible that on some nights, you may find your pygmy goats sleeping outside as opposed to inside! This is quite normal, and is likely due to the fact that their winter vests mean it's too warm for them to sleep in their living quarters.

General info
Photo: The paddock, February 2011

Pygmy goat paddocks
Pygmy goat accommodation
Photo: CCTV camera system in the shed
Photo: The shed  Photo: Entrance to the shed  Photo: Joey sitting in front of the hayrack in the shed
(The shed; the shed entrance (with door open); the hayrack in the shed)

Pygmy goat food

Pygmy goat habits

Pygmy goat body care

Pygmy goat-friendly toys

Cold weather advice

Fireworks advice

There have been 59,8 unique visitors to this site since its re-launch in 2010.
Henry and Joey live a few miles north of Chelmsford, England.
This website was last updated on 29 January 2013

All content on this website, including text and visual materials, is Copyright © David Watts 1997 - 2013.
It cannot be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the copyright holder.
All information provided on this website is based on experience of caring for Henry and Joey. Whilst the
information will hopefully be useful to those interested in caring for pygmy goats, it must not be treated
as a defintive care guide. If in doubt regarding the health and well-being of your goat(s), be safe by
contacting your vet and/or your governmental agricultural department (e.g. DEFRA).