Pet Pygmy Goats: Henry and Joey

Happy 16th birthday to Henry!
29 January 2013

Photo: Henry and JoeyHENRY was born on 29th January 1997. JOEY was born on Christmas Day 1996 and died on 5th March 2007 (aged 10 years, 3 months).

The Caring for pygmy goats section of this website is particularly useful for pygmy goat owners and people considering owning pygmy goats. It includes information on pygmy goat paddocks, accommodation, food, body care and habits, along with info about pygmy goat-friendly toys and info on how to look after pygmy goats during the winter season.

In 2009, I was a contestant on Channel 4 gameshow Deal or No Deal, and Henry was discussed during my show. To see video clips, click here.

You can sign the Guestbook and read more comments in the Guestbook and Contact me section.

You can also 'like' the Henry and Joey Facebook page.

This website was first put online as part of a school project in 2000. It was sporadically updated for several years, before being relaunched in 2010. Since the relaunch, the site has had over 29,000 unique visitors, many of whom have come here from various Google searches, or via other websites which link to this site.

There have been 97,8 unique visitors to this site since its re-launch in 2010.
Henry and Joey live a few miles north of Chelmsford, England.
This website was last updated on 29 January 2013

All content on this website, including text and visual materials, is Copyright © David Watts 1997 - 2013.
It cannot be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the copyright holder.
All information provided on this website is based on experience of caring for Henry and Joey. Whilst the
information will hopefully be useful to those interested in caring for pygmy goats, it must not be treated
as a defintive care guide. If in doubt regarding the health and well-being of your goat(s), be safe by
contacting your vet and/or your governmental agricultural department (e.g. DEFRA).